Yes I rather thought that would be the case. Unfortunately I don't
think the 'intent' link works from within a WebView, so I'm stuck with
the browser, which would probably be the client's preference anyway.

I don't want to actually 'get rid' of the browser as such, rather just
move it to the other end of the stack. I assume you can't get hold of
the stack and manipulate it like a pack of cards?!

On Nov 8, 1:09 pm, Mark Murphy <> wrote:
> Not that I am aware of. You have no right to get rid of the browser,
> any more than the browser has the right to get rid of you.
> If you need that level of control, you'll probably need to use a
> WebView in your own activity rather than the browser. Or consolidate
> your app such that there is simply one Activity ABCD where you are
> handling your own back stack (e.g., using dynamic fragments), with an
> Intent triggered by the browser that includes
> FLAG_ACTIVITY_REORDER_TO_FRONT, so the existing ABCD instance is
> reused and you get the Intent in onNewIntent().
> --
> Mark Murphy (a Commons 
> Guy)||
> _Android Programming Tutorials_ Version 4.1 Available!

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