Please do not post essentially the same question under slightly different 
titles. It tends to attract trolls. As for how to read a PDF file, please 
see the answer I gave in the other thread on that. Use the same tutorial, 
but look further down: you are looking at the part where he is teaching how 
to write files, look where he teaches how to read them.

On Wednesday, February 29, 2012 5:14:24 AM UTC-8, Jags wrote:
> hi all, i am trying to read a pdf file in my android app. i realised, 
> unlike safari in iphone android webview does not render pdf file as a 
> local url . 
> hence i am exploring itextpdf. i followed following tutorial 
> while reading file, the author is trying to create a file using 
> PDFWriter. he also uses writer to get a page as in Image. My question 
> is, is it essential to use a writer ? cant we use only reader to 
> extract entire page as an image ? 
> what i plan here, is get all pages as an image and put them in a 
> scroll view. 
> thanks in advance 
> jags

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