On Sat, May 26, 2012 at 12:12 PM, Mark Carter <mjc1...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> When min level is pre-Donut, I remember there is a common approach to use
> drawable-ldpi-v4, drawable-hdpi-v4, drawable-nodpi-v4 (as well as
> "drawable") for similar reasons.
> If I have an app with ONLY xhdpi resources and set the minimum level to 8,
> then I notice the drawable-xhdpi resources are still picked up (as opposed
> to throwing some kind of resource not found exception) on Froyo.  This is
> convenient but not particularly bulletproof IMHO, not least because the
> Froyo device will have no idea what scaling xhdpi implies.

:: smacks forehead ::

My apologies. I misread your question. I thought you were saying that
your minSdkVersion *was* 9, not was *less than* 9. With a
minSdkVersion of less than 9, using -v9 for resources you only want
used on 9 and higher is perfectly reasonable.

> Now, I haven't tested this, but I suppose that using drawable-xhdpi-v9 will
> stop froyo from seeing those resources at all and so give
> better-than-nothing runtime exceptions (which in most cases would show up
> pretty quickly).


Mark Murphy (a Commons Guy)
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