On Fri, Jul 20, 2012 at 8:06 AM, Andrew
<andrew.masl...@allegrowireless.com> wrote:
> Yes, I agree that this probably is freezing UI.  But there's a problem here:
> this cannot be run on a spawned thread as OS may kill the process right
> after this call returns, thus, again, killing the saving thread in the
> middle!

First, it is rather unlikely that the OS will "kill the process right
after this call returns".

Second, if you are trying to do anything that takes a while in
onSaveInstanceState(), you're doing it wrong. You should be triggering
that work in other places (e.g., onPause(), on an explicit action bar
item click), and using a background thread in those places as well.
For example, onSaveInstanceState() has nothing to do with a persistent
data model (e.g., database).

Third, as you are discovering, Android may terminate your work
*anyway* if you are taking a long time on the main application thread.

Mark Murphy (a Commons Guy)
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