are you testing it on the emulator or on the G1 device?

I'm not sure about it but I've read around some forums that you need a
virtual sd card to record audio on the emulator. (with the
mksdcard.exe in the tools provided with the sdk)
Some other sources also say it isn't possible to record audio on the
emulator yet.

Check if you can read/hear what you have recorded since you are using
a sdcard, maybe the sdcard is too small.

Why would you use a thread to return the max amplitude?

I am myself looking forward to record audio on the emulator and
constantly find contradictory informations about whether it's possible
or not.
the manual says it's not.

Any insight about that is appreciated in addition to the upper


On 31 jan, 15:12, ""
<> wrote:
> I've got a media recorder, prepared and started in the following way:
> mRecorder = new MediaRecorder();
>             mRecorder.setAudioSource(MediaRecorder.AudioSource.MIC);
>             mRecorder.setOutputFormat
> (MediaRecorder.OutputFormat.THREE_GPP);
>             mRecorder.setAudioEncoder
> (MediaRecorder.AudioEncoder.AMR_NB);
>             mRecorder.setOutputFile("/sdcard/test.3gpp");
>             mRecorder.prepare();
>             mRecorder.start();
> I'm then using a thread to return the mRecorder.getMaxAmplitude int,
> but it never returns as anything but 0. I've looked all over for why
> this might be happening - but I'm at a complete loss now so help would
> really be appreciated.
> Thanks.

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