*android library project*?  I don't have an Eclipse Project Wizard with a 
name like that.

Can you clarify?

On Friday, September 21, 2012 1:44:06 PM UTC-5, Dalvin wrote:
> Better approach is to create java project instead of android project if 
> you want to create jar. If you want to have a common android code for 
> multiple projects then go for android library project.
> ...
> Singh
> On Fri, Sep 21, 2012 at 11:45 PM, bob <b...@coolfone.comze.com<javascript:>
> > wrote:
>> Ok.  I created a "libs" folder.
>> I drag-and-dropped the jar into it.  
>> I did an "Add JARs…".
>> It didn't like that I had AndroidManifest.xml and an icon in the JAR, so 
>> I fiddled around till I pulled
>> that stuff out.
>> Then, it worked.
>> Thanks.
>> On Friday, September 21, 2012 10:56:17 AM UTC-5, Jay Howard wrote:
>>> Guessing you need to have it in the lib directory in your Android 
>>> project.  Adding it as an external library in eclipse adds it to your 
>>> eclipse classpath, so the build errors disappear in eclipse, but the 
>>> android build process only packages the jars it finds in your project's lib 
>>> dir.
>>> On Friday, September 21, 2012 10:41:42 AM UTC-5, bob wrote:
>>>> Eventually, I want to create a JAR library with my Android routines in 
>>>> it.
>>>> So, I tried this test:
>>>> package com.jar_test;
>>>> public class Jar_Test {
>>>>  public static void jar_test()
>>>>  {
>>>> System.out.println("This is a JAR test");
>>>>  }
>>>> }
>>>> I exported that to a JAR.
>>>> Then, I made this test app:
>>>> package com.jar_test2;
>>>> import com.jar_test.Jar_Test;
>>>> import android.app.Activity;
>>>> import android.os.Bundle;
>>>> public class MainActivity extends Activity {
>>>>     /** Called when the activity is first created. */
>>>>     @Override
>>>>     public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
>>>>         super.onCreate(**savedInstanceState);
>>>>         setContentView(R.layout.main);
>>>>         Jar_Test.jar_test();
>>>>     }
>>>> }
>>>> However, I got this error when I ran it.
>>>> 09-21 10:33:57.710: E/AndroidRuntime(3366): FATAL EXCEPTION: main
>>>> 09-21 10:33:57.710: E/AndroidRuntime(3366): 
>>>> java.lang.**NoClassDefFoundError: 
>>>> com.jar_test.Jar_Test
>>>> 09-21 10:33:57.710: E/AndroidRuntime(3366): at 
>>>> com.jar_test2.MainActivity.**onCreate(MainActivity.java:14)
>>>> 09-21 10:33:57.710: E/AndroidRuntime(3366): at android.app.Activity.**
>>>> performCreate(Activity.java:**4469)
>>>> 09-21 10:33:57.710: E/AndroidRuntime(3366): at 
>>>> android.app.Instrumentation.**callActivityOnCreate(**
>>>> Instrumentation.java:1052)
>>>> 09-21 10:33:57.710: E/AndroidRuntime(3366): at 
>>>> android.app.ActivityThread.**performLaunchActivity(**
>>>> ActivityThread.java:1932)
>>>> 09-21 10:33:57.710: E/AndroidRuntime(3366): at 
>>>> android.app.ActivityThread.**handleLaunchActivity(**
>>>> ActivityThread.java:1993)
>>>> 09-21 10:33:57.710: E/AndroidRuntime(3366): at 
>>>> android.app.ActivityThread.**access$600(ActivityThread.**java:127)
>>>> 09-21 10:33:57.710: E/AndroidRuntime(3366): at 
>>>> android.app.ActivityThread$H.**handleMessage(ActivityThread.**
>>>> java:1159)
>>>> 09-21 10:33:57.710: E/AndroidRuntime(3366): at android.os.Handler.**
>>>> dispatchMessage(Handler.java:**99)
>>>> 09-21 10:33:57.710: E/AndroidRuntime(3366): at 
>>>> android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.**java:137)
>>>> 09-21 10:33:57.710: E/AndroidRuntime(3366): at 
>>>> android.app.ActivityThread.**main(ActivityThread.java:4507)
>>>> 09-21 10:33:57.710: E/AndroidRuntime(3366): at 
>>>> java.lang.reflect.Method.**invokeNative(Native Method)
>>>> 09-21 10:33:57.710: E/AndroidRuntime(3366): at 
>>>> java.lang.reflect.Method.**invoke(Method.java:511)
>>>> 09-21 10:33:57.710: E/AndroidRuntime(3366): at com.android.internal.os.
>>>> **ZygoteInit$**MethodAndArgsCaller.run(**ZygoteInit.java:978)
>>>> 09-21 10:33:57.710: E/AndroidRuntime(3366): at com.android.internal.os.
>>>> **ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.**java:745)
>>>> 09-21 10:33:57.710: E/AndroidRuntime(3366): at 
>>>> dalvik.system.NativeStart.**main(Native Method)
>>>> Anyone know what's wrong?
>>>> I added the jar using 'Add External JARs…'
>>>>  -- 
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