On Thu, Jan 10, 2013 at 3:15 PM, Monty Jain <montyj...@gmail.com> wrote:
> is it possible to call startactivityforresult from a non-activity class to
> get the results.

No, sorry.

> I have a class Class NonActivity(it doesn't derive from Activity as its not
> a UI). This class will have bunch of functions(steps basically) to run. One
> of the step requires to show UI(Activity) and then get the result(user enter
> something). Then been able to use that data in next following steps.
> how can this be achieved without deriving from activity class as I don't
> have UI component

Collect the data before the first step, from your activity.

> Basically reason for using Non-Activity class is that I want to encapsulate
> the whole process into a class(API) then anyone who wants to use this class
> can call its API.

IMHO, such a library absolutely, positively should NOT be starting an
activity. The developer using the library needs to have control over
that behavior.

Mark Murphy (a Commons Guy)
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