This is in reference to Mark Murphy's topic at StackOverflow:

I tried to post the following there but someone deleted it.  As I'm not
sure why I figured I'll try to get some insights here before I give up.

I've got code in my ContentProvider that's very similar to Mark's, except
that I implement the openAssetFile() function of my ContentProvider, not
openFile(), because I use the setDataSource(FileDescriptor fd, long offset,
long length) overload to pass data to MediaPlayer, and AssetFileDescriptor
returned by openAssetFile() gives me a nice way to get all the arguments.

I've tried to work around the problem by opening the .ogg asset via
openFd() and getting the length from it. I return an AssetFileDescriptor
with a zero offset and the length of the asset (so, no longer -1, or

Based on the thoughts from the StackOverflow discussion, I thought this
could fool MediaPlayer into playing the clip - unfortunately, it does not.
I made an attempt to dig into platform sources to see if I could get any
insights there but I'm still not sure where the problem is.

I'm wondering if anyone has made any progress with this?

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