According to the following link:

*Note*: Version 1 of the Google Maps Android API as been officially
deprecated as of December 3rd, 2012. *This means that from March 3rd, 2013
you will no longer be able to request an API key for this version.* No new
features will be added to Google Maps Android API v1. However, apps using
v1 will continue to work on devices. Existing and new developers are
encouraged to use Google Maps Android API

So I am trying to migrate my Android Map API to Google Map API V2. My Map
application was using ItemsizedOverlay with onTap event so that user can
click the Overlay on different links, views or buttons to navigate to the
destination or close the BalloonItem if user click the close button. But on
API v2, the ItemizedOverlay is replaced as InfoWindow.  As a result, any
listeners you set on the InfoWindow are disregarded and you cannot
distinguish between click events on various parts of the view.

I cannot believe migrate to Map API v2 is going to reduce the features of
the Map application. Those features are something I cannot use without it.
Can anyone let me know any alternative for getting onTap (or onClick)
listener for the InfoWindow? Or what other control can provide the similar
feature for InfoWindow.

Many thanks!

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