Yes, just schedule a new alarm each time with the exact time you want if it
is critical for you.

On Mon, Feb 9, 2009 at 2:25 PM, lorenz <> wrote:

> Hey
> I'm looking for a way to trigger repeated actions. I'd like the user
> to be able to choose the intervals at which these actions will be
> executed. One should be able to choose from intervals like "Every
> Day", "Every Month", and "Every Year". The setRepeating(int, long,
> long, PendingIntent) method of the class only
> supports a long value for choosing the interval between the execution
> of the pending intent. My problem now is, that I can not just compute
> the number of milliseconds that "fit into one day", since not all days
> have the same length (daylight saving). This is also a problem for the
> interval type "year" (leap years).
> I had a quick look at the android.os.Handler class, but as I
> understood the documentation I'd need to keep a service thread running
> for my actions to be executed at some future time. I don't consider
> that a good option for my needs ;-)
> Is there anything in the API I could configure with a cron expression
> or the like?
> I was also thinking about scheduling an alarm with the AlarmManager
> for a single execution at a given date/time and then having a receiver
> that does the rescheduling according to a cron expression attached to
> the intent. But I don't know if I just got something completely wrong
> here and I'm reinventing the wheel with that approach :-/
> Any advice or pointers would be greatly appreciated :-)
> Cheers
> Lorenz
> >

Dianne Hackborn
Android framework engineer

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