There's a lot of proprietary code in the adapter; I'll see if I can whittle 
it down to something simple but meanwhile I'd like to pursue the listview's 
strange getCount result.   Because that's a separate question from the 
getView()'s position value (maybe) I've started a separate thread focusing 
on that:!topic/android-developers/Lx9_3H4RkhM

This seems to have stumped them on Stack Overflow and I've never been able 
to get a clear description of where *exactly* the value in ListView's 
getCount() actually come from.   

On Friday, May 16, 2014 2:39:54 PM UTC-4, Streets Of Boston wrote:
> That is hard to figure out without you posting the code of your adapter 
> and how you create an instance of your adapter. It is probably a subtle 
> bug...

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