
I am long-time C# developer. I recently decided to play around with Android 
and Java. My first project I am trying to do is to create Crossword game. I 
have general idea on how to proceed but there is one thing that still is 
not very clear. If anyone can provide any input I would appreciate it.

What would be the best way to build crossword board? I am considering 
couple of ways:

1. Create a view/fragment for a single cell and dynamically build whole 
board. With this approach I am concerned about performance. Considering I 
will have a 12x12 board, that will create 124 view objects. Is that 
considered to be heavy or it should be no big deal?
2. Draw the whole thing manually and catch user's clicks/touch to add 
interactivity. This probably can avoid performance issues but feels like 
too much manual work. 

Do you think it makes sense to invest time into learning graphics or 
creating basic GridLayout/GridView/TableLayout with 120 TextViews should do 
it nicely? Or if there are any other suggestions feel free to jump in.


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