I have done these two tasks separately, but I find that when I wake
the device *and* unlock the keyguard they do not both happen. I'm sure
that's just a bug in my code. So, treat this sample with a pinch of
salt, and if you can work out what I did wrong please let me know.

PowerUp() is simple enough.

UnlockKeyguard() should be called when you want to show your activity,
and ExitKeyguard() should be called when you want to leave your
activity for somewhere else

To see the full cycle of keyguard unlocking, you need to test with and
without the 'Require Pattern' setting enabled.

Good luck!


private void PowerUp()
        PowerManager pm = (PowerManager) getSystemService

        PowerManager.WakeLock wl = pm.newWakeLock(
PowerManager.SCREEN_DIM_WAKE_LOCK |  // could use bright
PowerManager.ACQUIRE_CAUSES_WAKEUP | // so we actually wake the
PowerManager.ON_AFTER_RELEASE            // and we keep it on for a bit
after release
                                                        , "My Tag");



private void UnlockKeyguard()

        if( mKeyguardLock != null )
                return; // already unlocked

        KeyguardManager  kg = (KeyguardManager ) getSystemService

        if( kg.inKeyguardRestrictedInputMode())
                mKeyguardLock = kg.newKeyguardLock( "My Tag" );

                mKeyguardLock = null; // make sure we are tidy

private void exitKeyguard()
        if( mKeyguardLock != null ) // we disabled keyguard
                KeyguardManager  kg = (KeyguardManager ) getSystemService

                if( kg.inKeyguardRestrictedInputMode())
                        kg.exitKeyguardSecurely(this); // show the user the 
keyguard, so
they can dismiss it - response happens via the callback
                        mKeyguardLock = null;
                        doButtonAction();   // do the actions we wanted to do 
bu had to
defer till the user unlocked us



public void onKeyguardExitResult(boolean success)
        if( success )
                mKeyguardLock = null; // don't want this any more

                // user didn't dismiss keyguard, doing nothing

                if( mKeyguardLock != null ) // should never be null


On Feb 23, 11:24 pm, SteveV <sav74...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Does anyone know how to do this correctly?
> I can't find any examples & the API documentation is pretty hard to
> follow.
> I am guessing I need to use the KeyGuardManager and PowerManager...
> but can't figure out how to bring my activity up past the keyguard and
> re-enable the keyguard so my activity doesn't let someone get past the
> lock when my activity awakens.
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