I'm using samsung galaxy s7 and checked it's support hardware-backed 
keystore. (Settings->Security->Credential storage->Storage type)

Then, I tried to generate a new keypair and check with KeyInfo's 
isInsideSecureHardware, but it returns false. 

Why not the key stored in the hardware backed keystore? 

Here is my code:

KeyPairGenerator kpg = KeyPairGenerator.getInstance("EC", 
"AndroidKeyStore");Builder kpgparams = (new Builder(keyname, 
kpg.initialize(kpgparams.build());KeyPair kp = 
kpg.generateKeyPair();:KeyFactory factory = 
KeyFactory.getInstance(privateKey.getAlgorithm(), "AndroidKeyStore");KeyInfo 
keyInfo = factory.getKeySpec(privateKey, KeyInfo.class);boolean secure = 

Thanks for any help

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