
I'm trying to load an image (tried both gif and png) from my assets
directory, into a webview.

In my assets folder, I have an image called myImage.gif

Here's my code:

 WebView data = (WebView) findViewById(R.id.data)
 data.loadData("<IMG HEIGHT=\"42px\" WIDTH=\"42px\" SRC=\"file:///
android_assets/myImage.gif\" />", "text/html",  "UTF-8");

All that happens when I try it, is that I get a blank screen with a
empty 42px/42px box.

In logcat, I see the message:

03-30 00:21:14.398: DEBUG/WebCore(214): Console: Not allowed to load
local resource: file:///android_assets/myImage.gif line: 0 source:

What am I doing wrong?

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