
Hopefully this is a simple one.

My application requires me to draw a scrollbar myself (and include the
old-school physical up/down buttons.  I can't do this via XML as all of
my screens are generated on the fly by data received over a socket. Like
a web browser.

Now the drawables I'm after are "scrollbar_vertical.9" and
"scrollbar_handle_vertical.9"  however these are no longer visible in
the SDK.
I've been poking around and found that
"android.R.attr.scrollbarThumbVertical" seems to describe what I'm
after, however if I try to load this using
"getResources().getDrawable(android.R.attr.scrollbarThumbVertical)" I
get a Resources$NotFoundException...

All of the scrollbar parameters in view are protected, but not visible
because the sdk jar file purposely hides them. Grrr!
Ie - ScrollBarDrawable is exactly the class I want, but I quote from the
" * For now, we'll hide it so it can be cleaned up later.
  * {...@hide}"

Does anyone know how I can get the standard scrollbar drawables or am I
really going to have to copy them in as my own resources?


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