Try adding a GROUP= attribute to the rule like this:

SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTR{idVendor}=="0bb4", MODE="0666", GROUP="plugdev"

and make sure your user is added to this group. This group exists on
my corporate machine, dunno if yours have the same groups since mine
is no longer a stock ubuntu.

I've also heard of people indicating they can't access that group when
they are connected remotely via ssh.


2009/5/20 Cédric Berger <>:
> 2009/5/20 Cédric Berger <>
>>> Make sure you have the udev rule:
>> I have added it, but still no luck (ubuntu 64bits)
> Ok, adb can list my phone only if executed with sudo.
> Should the udev rule allow to avoid the need to have root access ?
> Do I have to reboot after editing this udev rule ?
> >

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