
Thanks for this quick answer.

I do not pretend to compete with Guice, but let's try to answer your

Google Guice provides a reflection oriented dependency injection
container. The AOP version provides fast reflection using cglib, but
this version cannot be used with Android (source:

So using Guice in Android, we are stuck with "slow" reflection. And
Guice uses a lot of reflection.

Furthermore, Guice provides a "type" oriented injection, whereas
Yasdic provides an "id" oriented injection. Which one is better ? I
guess it's up to you.

You are free to have a look at the Android example here:

I think Yasdic is much simpler and much faster to learn than Guice,
but it requires a bit more writing. Beans are defined in a
programmatic style, writing code in anonymous classes. This allows you
to do anything when initializing beans, even complex computations
involving multiple beans.

Maybe I should make some speed / memory tests, to see what's the real
difference. Any suggestion about this will be welcome, to prevent me
from writing an "unfair" test ;-) .


On 30 juin, 21:18, "Fred Grott(shareme)" <fred.gr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> What is wrong with using Google Guice non-aop?
> On Jun 30, 5:12 am, Piwaï <py.ri...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hello developers,
> > I have been using the Android SDK for a few months now, and one thing
> > I was missing was a dependency injection container.
> > Dependency injection is a good practice to lower the coupling between
> > the components of your application.
> > I thought about using Spring, or PicoContainer but they use the
> > reflection API to provide dependency injection. And the reflection API
> > may not be the best speed partner for your Android apps.
> > I couldn't find any real small dependency injection container, that
> > would provide dependency injection without reflection.
> > Here comesYasdic, "Yet Another Small Dependency Injection Container",
> > no more then 6.7KB.
> > The definitions are written programmatically and stored by String ids,
> > the beans are lazily created, andYasdicalso deals with singleton and
> > prototype scopes, cyclic dependency, and container hierarchy.
> > Please feel free to try it out :http://code.google.com/p/yasdic
> > I already use it in my Android apps, and I find my code to be much
> > more maintainable (thought this is a quite subjective point of
> > view ;-) ).
> > Any feedback on this project will be appreciated, even code
> > criticism :-) .
> > Regards and thanks !
> > Piwaï
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