Regarding to following situation, can any expert give me some
suggestions that whether should I use Content Provider or Service.

Use case:
I'm developing two applications (say consumer and producer).
1. when the phone powers up, consumer will read a collection of item
names, which are provided by producer. These item names are predefined
in producer at compile time and they will not be changed at runtime.
2. For each item, consumer can request the detail information from
producer by specifying the item name at anytime. Please note that the
item detail information is changed dynamically at runtime. producer
has the responsibility to maintain each item detail information.
3. From consumer point of view, all the items provided by producer are
read only. consumer will never add, insert or delete these items.
4. In later phase, we may have more producers. The new producers will
provide and maintain more new items.

I have figured out two solutions:
solution1 (content provider):
For case1, since the item names are static information, I can put them
into AndroidManifest.xml of producer. In this way, consumer can get
all the items name even without launching producer.
For case2, I can implement a content provider in producer. consumer
will use the content provider to access the item detail information.
For case4, all producers supported the content URI with same prefix.
For example producer1 supports "", while producer2
supports "producer.items.yyy". In this way, consumer app can easily
query all the producers.

For case1: same to solution1.
For case2: I can implement a service in producer. Consumer can firstly
bindService and call the service method to access the item detail

My question is which solution should I choose, considering following
1. Design principle of Content Provider and Service
2. Performance of Content Provider and Service.
3. Extensible and maintainable.

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