I have a program that allows users to enter decimal numbers. One user
noted that my program requires that he use a period as the decimal
separator even though in his country (Germany) they use the comma
instead. No problem, I looked at my code and realized I was
constructing a DecimalFormat directly instead of using
NumberFormat.getInstance() and changed my code as follows:

formatter = NumberFormat.getNumberInstance();
if (formatter instanceof DecimalFormat) {
    DecimalFormat format = (DecimalFormat)formatter;

I then was going to test it in the emulator and changed my locale to
German. While the language changed there was no change to the number
format and it still used the period as the decimal separator.
Iterating over NumberFormat.getAvailableLocales() I can see that only
English and Japan based countries are returned in the emulator and all
those countries use the period not the comma.

Any ideas on how can I test my changes to make sure they work? I can
override the decimal separator which works fine for testing the
display of numbers, unfortunately the keyboard won't allow me to enter
a comma in a numeric field to test the parsing. My personal Android
phone only supports English and French. I tried changing it to French
but still get the period as the separator, feeling kind of stumped

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