So I've got a bit of a doozy.  I was playing around with the Motorola
MotoDev IDE, which is kind of a jazzier front-end to Eclipse, and it
asks you on startup if you want the Android emulator to show up in an
IDE window.  I said yes.  That makes the emulator show up in an
Eclipse tab, like the Console, Outline, etc.  After a while it became
apparent that MotoDev wasn't sufficiently different than Eclipse to
make it worth the install.  So I got rid of it.  This is on Mac OS X
with Snow Leopard.  Now when I start Eclipse and run any Android
project, even Hello world, the Console shows the emulator installing
and the APK installing, and the Intent starting.  But no emulator
window.  I found a setting in Eclipse->Preferences->Android->Launch
Settings that said -no-window for the emulator.  MotoDev must have set
that.  That had to be it.  I got rid of it and still no Emulator.  So
I got rid of Eclipse, the SDK, everything and did a full fresh install
of everything.  Still no emulator window.  I can start the emulator
with an AVD from the command line fine and I see it.  But from
Eclipse, nada.  Any ideas?

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