The problem (initially explain in this thread) should be related to a
bad parameter in my surfaceview). Like I change a lot of time my code
I didn't notice exactly...Sorry. But I think that is was the callback

Yes I check your file and the moov atom is in first. My file no :(

I'm started to watch the video of Google I/O ( provides a
lot of really interesting videos about android, but my free time is
really small ).

Thanks again, mark. If i find a solution to read correctly a mp4 file
in streaming (because it works correctly in local !), I'll push to you
my code :)

On Dec 5, 8:39 pm, "Mark Murphy" <> wrote:
> > Ok I understood the problem...The file format.
> AFAIK, the file format issue will not cause a core-dump-style crash like
> the one you posted at the top of this thread. Instead, you will get an
> error specifically about the video not being "safe for streaming".
> > Reading this thread
> >
> > I learned that a file containing a header with mdat can't be readed in
> > streaming.
> No, a file can have an mdat atom. It just has to have an moov atom before
> the mdat atom. For example, on the file that I linked to, I ran MP4Box
> -hint on it to achieve this effect.
> A good source of information on all of this Dave Sparks' Google I/O
> presentation:
> --
> Mark Murphy (a Commons Guy)
> Android App Developer Books:

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