I haven't tried to do a lazy background image load like you are doing,
but have done some code that uses a holder/wrapper to store the layout
findViewById which is a nice optimization so that it doesn't have to
call inflate and findViewById again when each row is displayed.  My
understanding is that when you do this it will allocate enough views
for each of the rows that are visible on the screen, and then as a row
scrolls off the screen, it will reuse the already initialized view for
a new row that is scrolling onto the screen.

In looking at your code I think you may have a problem because of the
way that the views for each row get reused when they disappear from
sight.  The same view that was used for a row that just disappeared
can be reused for a new row that is appearing as the list scrolls.
Your getView routine is handling this by detecting that the
convertView is non-null when it has already been filled in when this
view was used by a previous row.  However you don't have any mechanism
to detect when a view has been reused and is now displaying a
different row and the URL has changed to a different URL while the
background AsyncTask was retrieving the image.  By the time the
AsyncTask finishes retrieving the image, the view that it saved the
reference to, in order to set the image, could have been reused to
display a different row in the list.  If you can add code to check if
it is still the expected URL prior to setting the image I think it
might solve your problem.  If the URL has changed then skip setting
the lazy image on that view, and just add the image to your cache.

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