Depending on UI event handling to produce smooth
and accurately timed  animations is usually bad idea

In your code,  if you remove delay you are just trashing
event pipeline, so UI will (and certainly does) become irresponsive.
And if you keep it in, your delays are unpredictable
(let me Guess, you are sending messages because you can not
affect UI from non UI thread? )

I recommend to look into LunarLander sample. Basic idea for smooth
animation is:
1. Use Surface to draw ( any SurfaceHolder subclass ), you can access
it from any thread
2.  You animation loop looks OK
3. I would recommend to create  something like finite automate / state
to  provide smooth and controlled transition between game states

You drawing method would look like:
 redraw() {
        // field is prepared
        Canvas canvas = holder.lockCanvas();
        //  draw background
        canvas.drawBitmap(field, 0, 0, null);
...  draw whatever you like
// push it to the screen

have fun

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