They can readily inline them in the same class (so all private methods
qualify). Otherwise, you don't really know what the code will be until
the class is loaded. A sufficiently-clever classloader can do amazing
things, but usually this sort of trick is done later, Just-In-Time
compilers that compile down to bytecode.

I don't know much about DalvikVM, specifically. Supposedly, per
Wikipedia, there's a JIT compiler in the source, not currently
enabled. I think it's reasonably safe to assume that for the moment,
anyway, there's probably no inlining except within a class. It's
unclear what the performance characteristics would be, anyway.

Still, it's advisable to make methods private when they're not needed
by other classes (including subclasses), and final when they are
needed by others but won't be subclassed. ('final' is redundant for
'private"). This has the dual benefit of a creating a simpler
interface (you know the code you need to look at is here, not in some
subclass, and you know it's only used here, not in some other class),
and also allowing the compiler the possibility of optimizing.

On Jan 29, 3:49 pm, Kevin Duffey <> wrote:
> I am a bit rusty on the use of final methods.. I do know they cant be
> extended.. but I also thought that modern JVMs "inline" final methods or
> help speed them up?

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