The standard reply is going to be you'll never actually need to view
all 20K rows, so either page it out or filter the results to a more
manageable number.  Then again, if an end user is willing to scroll
through 20K rows, they might be willing to wait 5s for it to load :)

Past that, I assume you're extending a CursorAdapter, you can use
setEmptyView on the ListView to show a progress dialog, run your query
on a background thread (or AsyncTask), then use a Handler (or the
AsyncTask) to call changeCursor w/the results of the query.  It will
at least feel more responsive in that the UI doesn't just freeze while
it's working.

On Jan 31, 10:01 pm, THill <> wrote:
> I need to be able to scroll through a list with (up to) 20K rows,
> backed by a cursor on a read-only db.
> Testing 20K rows on a G1, the query takes approx .02s regardless of
> table size, while binding the adapter to the list takes 4.5s.  Note
> that this is before the view calls used in rendering.
> What makes the binding delay more troublesome is that it blocks the UI
> thread, and is incurred on every rotate.  Combine these, and doing a
> rotate just after starting the bind results in a delay up to 9s.
> I tried lazy loading with a base adapter, but that hits the same delay
> in the underlying cursor.getCount(), and the overall user experience
> isn't ideal.
> I also considered using an ArrayAdapter, adding synthesized objects
> from the cursor rows, but then I'd incur the overhead of creating up
> to 20K objects (not to mention the additional memory requirements).
> Any recommended alternatives or workarounds?
> Thanks in advance,
> Tim

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