How about using the WIFI MAC address in cases where the ANDROID_ID is
null?  I believe it should be unique for each device:

        WifiManager manager = (WifiManager) getSystemService
        WifiInfo wifiInfo = manager.getConnectionInfo();
        String MACAddress = wifiInfo.getMacAddress();

This seems to pull back a MAC address even if WIFI is turned off.


On Feb 1, 10:54 am, Rampanda <> wrote:
> Hi,
> having the exact same problem on a Droid 2.0.1 and HTC Hero 1.5. :
>         String androidID = Secure.getString(this.getContextResolver(),
> android.provider.Settings.Secure.ANDROID_ID);
>         Toast.makeText(this, "ANDROID_ID: " + androidID,
> Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
> consistently returns null on the devices and differences in OS and
> device seem to indicate some sort of problem with the compiled code.
> Not sure what is causing this, could be that the app erroneously
> believes it is running on an emulator or for some other reason is
> unable to retrieve the setting.
> No uncaught exceptions or other error message are printed when making
> these calls which help.
> For our application to work we need to be 100% sure we have a unique
> ID across all OS versions and device manufacturers, which is exactly
> what androidID is for. We're using IMEI and some key voodoo to sort of
> make it unique, but would prefer androidID to work. Also, it not
> working may be caused by something else that is also breaking other
> functionality.
> Haven't found the cause yet, but as soon as something falls into place
> I'll post it here. In the meantime, what is the name of the android
> apps you're using? Would like to test with the exact same ones you're
> testing on.
> Thanks!

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