I  must be missing something. What do you mean by the "expansion of
google market"?

I presume you're referring to Google's Marketplace? If you go to
flurry.com or admob.com, you can find nice charts of the explosive
growth in the Google Marketplace.

New apps are added at a very high rate.

So I'm guessing I'm not understanding what you mean by "expansion". Is
this some promised expansion of capabilities? That would be most
welcome!  For example, being limited to just two screenshots does both
the seller and the buyer a grave disservice.

On Feb 15, 9:24 am, karthikr <karthik.scintill...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Guys,
> I have been waiting for the expansion of google market and to my shock
> I see that there is almost no activity on the same for the past couple
> of months. We just keep hearing that expansion will happen, but
> absolutely no news on the same.
> Does someone out there have any updates, and can comeone from google
> reply for this query that we have been asking a million time, just
> once...
> Regards,
> R.Karthik

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