Hello Mark,

You are absolutely right: support for reusable components other than
pure Java code (and Java resources) is sorely missed. I personally
think Google should step up and add this kind of support to the
Android eclipse plugin.

In my opinion, the problem of lack of tool support is minor when
"batch packaging". Using ant it is easy to copy the content of third
party libraries. Of course a lack of standards does mean that no
viable marketplace for this kind of reusable Android components can
emerge. I believe the real problem lies when developing in-house
libraries for multiple applications.

As maybe 98% or more of the developers use eclipse (just
guestimating), eclipse support for reusable (in-house) components is a
must for getting this concept off the ground (imho). When developing
your own components is easy (just being able add the library Android
project as a dependency to your application project, and not having to
worry about resources etc.), a need to package and distribute library
projects for external use will surely emerge. Ant can actually fill in
most of this need already, although a standardised format and
automatic dependency resolving (maven?) will surely help.

Anyway, if you choose to go the "parcel shell" route, don't forget a
"parcel upgrade" command. Personally, If I cannot upgrade easily to a
new version of a library I wouldn't use it.

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