Then I think this simplifies the advice we should give you.

If you don't know enough about threading to know what a lock is, you
should avoid threading for now. It'll be too much to learn at once,
and you won't be able to do a good job of either learning about
threading, or applying it.

I think you SHOULD learn about threading at some point, but it's not a
good thing to learn while figuring other stuff out, or you'll tie
yourself into knots. Threading problems are tricky to understand, and
you'll have bugs you won't know if are due to your threading or to
other causes, etc.

So I'd suggest just deferring that, an focusing on creating a great
game. Try to keep the game logic separate from the display logic, so
you can revisit the threading question at a later date, but for now,
just don't worry about it. If your understanding of threading issues
is a bit fuzzy, you wouldn't do a good job of designing specifically
for threading now anyway.

I don't base this advice on any doubts about your ability to learn and
handle threading! But it will be FAR more distraction than benefit to
you right now.

On Apr 9, 9:25 am, Eddie Ringle <> wrote:
> Where do you store all your attributes, like player position?
> Currently I just have a "GLQuad" class that I use to create new quads,
> texture them, and manage position and velocity. Do you store them in
> World, and then each side can access them from the world object?
> Also, threading is new to me, so I really have no clue what a lock is.

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