I have modified the manifest file to keep the orientation at
'Portrait' view while my Activity is running.  However, when the
keyboard is opened, the screen still flickers slightly and the
overlays that were drawn disappear.  It is not stopping the activity
from refreshing.

If there is a field that can be introduced that keeps the screen from
refreshing my activity like that from the keyboard opening, or a quick
way to redraw the overlay items that were introduced then that would
be helpful.  Currently the overlays are stored in a list, but I could
not figure out the best way to redraw the Overlay list.  Its probably
straight forward and I'm just not catching it.  Any helpful hints?

~ JFrog "Debugging is twice as hard as coding something the first
time.  Therefore, if you write the code as cleverly as possible, you
are, by definition not smart enough to debug it."

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