zohar lerman wrote:
> Sorry for the misunderstanding but i am not using service.
> As i said in the initial post "The Application contains one activity
> which includes 2 buttons ‘Start’
> and ‘Stop’"

Right. You cannot, should not, and must not leave a listener attached
after an activity ends. You will leak memory and cause your users
significant pain.

Your options are:

1. Go with the earlier advice, unregister your listeners in onDestroy(),
and do not "listen the phone event even when the application is closed"

2. Use a service, have the service have your listener, and have the
service continue operating after the activities end

3. Listen for broadcast Intents for phone state changes, instead of
using a listener

Mark Murphy (a Commons Guy)
http://commonsware.com | http://twitter.com/commonsguy

Android Consulting: http://commonsware.com/consulting

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