> I'll add an example of this sort of layout to my to-do list to add to
> the book. As I mentioned to somebody else earlier today, it's a long
> to-do list...

Sounds good.

One more thing wanted to ask, regarding Layouts and Themes.
I have my Application (in the AndroidManifest.xml) set to the theme
below. It draws a background picture on all my activities. However, on
a select few (about 2) I am not wanting the background to be drawn but
instead I want to implement my own view using the canvas. So what I am
wanting to know is, can I override / switch off themes in certain
activities ?

Themes.xml snippet
<style name="Theme.SVP" parent="android:Theme">
        <item name="android:windowBackground">@drawable/background</
        <item name="android:windowNoTitle">true</item>


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