On Mar 23, 8:05 pm, alexdonnini <alessdonn...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I apologize in advance if I am posting this question to the worng
> group in which case I would appreciate it if someone could refer me to
> a more appropriate group.

Probably android-platform; this group is for discussion of the Android
app framework.

> Recently, I have run into the following error a number of times:
> DEBUG/dalvikvm(416): +++ not scanning '/system/lib/libwebcore.so' for
> 'connectToSupplicant' (wrong CL)
> Could someone explain the typical cause of this error and point me
> towards a possible solution, or steps for diagnosing the problem?

This is a "DEBUG" message, not an error message.

This message occurs when there is an unresolved native method, and the
VM has to go searching through every known shared library for a
matching symbol.  The class that caused the method resolution is in a
different class loader from the one that loaded libwebcore.so, so the
VM is letting you know that it's not going to search there.

This message could be helpful if you couldn't figure out why a method
wasn't being found.  Otherwise it's just noise.  It probably ought to
be disabled.

Native methods that are explicitly registered (e.g. during JNI_OnLoad)
don't go through the dlsym() search and will never generate this

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