
I realize that Android wants to be all things to all people, but we need to be cognizant of the security ramifications. Android should provide the appropriate facilities for security conscious users instead of limiting itself to the most insecure user. Disabling downloaded native libraries should be a *user configurable* option, as I've indicated multiple times in this thread. If there is a checkbox in the settings that allows the user to disable this security option, there is no incentive to install an unsupported version of Android.

There is no reason why an OS such as Android should/can not have multiple security perimeters. If there is something that a developer cannot access from Java, and there is a valid need, a Java interface should be safely created and accepted into the distribution. However, I see no reason why an Android application should, for example, be able to read and write the internal memory structures of the Dalvik VM interpreter. Does Android use Java's security capabilities for anything? or are all those security checks just left in for legacy purposes? My point is that Android already has the ability to enforce multiple security perimeters. Why not realize this to its full potential?

That said, if I go to the effort of creating a patch that incorporates the user interface to disable downloaded native libraries, what is the probability it will be accepted into the mainline distribution?

This is not a step backward in the Android ecosystem. This is a step forward in the ability for the user (or enterprise) to configure Android to his/her security needs.



PS: Out of curiosity, how would you classify current applications using the NDK (that you are aware of). That is, what category would they fall under in the Android Market? Are there any NDK applications currently in the market? Do you have a ballpark feeling for how many? Thanks.

Jean-Baptiste Queru wrote:
Allowing native code is something that developers have been screaming
for since pretty much day 1 of the SDK, and preventing apps from doing
so after all the efforts that have been put into officially enabling
it sounds like a huge step backward for the entire Android ecosystem.

On top of that, I personally see it as a goal that apps running within
the virtual machine should have access to all the capabilities that
their host process has, i.e. that the virtual machine itself should
impose no bounds. Developers writing code to run outside of the
virtual machine should only need to do that for pure performance
reasons when the intrinsic characteristics of the virtual machine give
native code a performance advantage, but they should not have to write
native code just to access capabilities that they can't otherwise get
to. Making developers write native code so that they can work around
arbitrary limitations imposed by the virtual machine is a step
backward in terms of security as far as I'm concerned, as I believe
that native code tends to be naturally more sensitive to bad data than
code running in a virtual machine like dalvik.

Finally, the more we prevent apps from doing things that they should
legitimately be allowed to do without actually improving security, the
more we give users incentives to bypass security mechanisms and
install unsupported versions of Android on their devices, including
versions where security is much worse.


On Mon, Aug 24, 2009 at 1:19 PM, William Enck<> wrote:
I'm fully aware that the Dalvik VM makes heavy use of JNI. Not all JNI is
bad. I just want to prevent *downloaded* JNI libraries from being loaded. If
the only JNI libraries that can be loaded reside in /system then: 1) we've
reduced the attack surface, 2) we can say something about the integrity of
native code, and 3) we know how to patch the system when vulnerabilities are

I understand why the NDK exists, but it is bad for portability, and it hurts
security (cf. my defense in depth argument). Android includes OpenGL and
crypto JNI libraries, applications should use those, not bundle their own.
Need DSP support? That's a hardware feature and should be included with the
base distribution not downloaded as an add-on. You don't insert PCI cards
into mobile phones like you do PCs.

The Dalvik VM may not be designed as a security boundary, but that doesn't
mean it cannot enhance security (or be modified to do so). I believe that
execution of downloaded native code should be a tunable security option
(whether system wide or an Android permission, or both).

I guess we can agree to disagree on this one.


PS: Using virtual machines for security isolation is not an unprecedented
concept. I've read a lot of interesting papers on this topic. Oh, and VMWare
considered the vulnerability that allowed cloudburst exploit a security
issue and handled it as such didn't they?

PPS: Limiting JNI library loads to just libraries reside in /system is
possible. I've done it, it works, the patch is below. Sure we need to
consider other things like exec(), but it's a start.

diff --git a/vm/Native.c b/vm/Native.c
index 7a153d6..3adb76a 100644
--- a/vm/Native.c
+++ b/vm/Native.c
@@ -390,6 +390,11 @@ bool dvmLoadNativeCode(const char* pathName, Object*

    LOGD("Trying to load lib %s %p\n", pathName, classLoader);

+    if (strncmp(pathName, "/system", 7) != 0) {
+       LOGW("Denying lib %s (not \"/system\" prefix)\n", pathName);
+       return false;
+    }
     * See if we've already loaded it.  If we have, and the class loader
     * matches, return successfully without doing anything.

Chris Palmer wrote:
Defense in depth mechanisms are good when they (a) don't break
legitimate features and (b) actually work. Your examples of a firewall
and native code exploit mitigations are good examples.

However, native code execution on Android is a legitimate feature, and
blocking its use would not actually work. Android uses Java source for
its convenience features, not for the VM's security features. The
Dalvik VM tries to be fast and small, but does not try to be a
security boundary (it's not a JVM). Furthermore, much of the platform
functionality is written as JNI and/or as a very thin wrapper around
native code -- it's not a long trip from Dalvik bytecode to machine
code in a lot of places. And that is perfectly ok.

If any Android platform distributor tried your idea, attackers would
probably not take too long to pop through to native code. And then
you'd have thrown away a good feature for no security benefit.

Defense mechanisms should rely on published API contracts, not
imagined guarantees. For example, VMWare does not claim to be a
security boundary, and it does way more separation work than Dalvik or
the JVM. And indeed, it can be popped:

The difference is that VMWare does not claim (that I can see) that its
product protects hosts from guests. Linux *does* claim to separate
UIDs, so when it doesn't, everyone should agree it's a bug. It's
reasonable to trust that Linux upholds its guarantee, even if
sometimes it doesn't; on the other hand, it's not reasonable to trust
that VMWare or Dalvik upholds guarantees they never actually made.

That's enough out of me. Now I'll go back to enjoying my
high-performance Android games and crypto library and DSP apps... ;)

On Mon, Aug 24, 2009 at 11:23 AM, William Enck<> wrote:
I disagree. Making things harder to exploit is a good thing.

For example, my PC only listens on port 22, but my gateway firewall
that only inbound connections on port 22 will get through. If I visit a
malicious website and it starts a webserver or SMTP server, that firewall
rule keeps the attacker from connecting to my system. I.e., in this case,
the firewall is used for defense in depth.

For another example, look at buffer overflow exploitation. Buffer
can still be exploited, but ASLR, NX bits, and stack canaries make the
adversary work harder. It can take months to turn a buffer overflow
vulnerability into an exploit.

The Dalvik VM is a virtual machine monitor. Virtual machines provide an
separate execution environment. This can be used to make the system
to exploit. I'm not saying that the kernel shouldn't be patched
but there is a reason why skydivers carry two parachutes.


Chris Palmer wrote:
Don't think of Java, perhaps especially Dalvik, as a way to protect
against kernel bugs. Userland can't generally "defend in depth" against
kernel flaws.

Like all operating systems, Android trusts the kernel to uphold the
kernel's own design guarantees. If the guarantee is broken, that's a
bug and should be fixed in the kernel.

On Aug 17, 2009 10:05 AM, "William Enck" <
<>> wrote:

I imagine some folks on this list have seen this (or a similar story):

I haven't investigated it in any depth, but my speculation is that the
exploitation of the referenced kernel privilege escalation
( results
the ability to execute native code.

I understand the public pressure to allow native code, and that
security model provides protection at the process level; however, as an
Android user, I would like the ability to disallow third party native
libraries for security purposes (defense in depth).

I imagine there is a library path that can be checked somewhere to
JNI only allows the /system prefix. Alternatively, the LSM hook for
could be useful.

While this won't stop users from rooting their devices when kernel
privilege escalation vulnerabilities inevitably emerge, it provides a
buffer between the time the vulnerability is found to the time a
patch is deployed that will protect many normal users.

I'm going to take a look at generating a patch when I get a chance, but
that might not be for a little while. If anyone starts to work on this,
please let me know.


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