On Saturday, August 27, 2011 1:53:12 PM UTC-4, KK wrote:
>   I have an android EditText which holds a password. I have to 
> retrieve this in one of my modules and pass it to another. I am 
> calling EditText.getEditableText and encrypting its content. But I 
> want to know if android creates any immutable objects internally for 
> the EdiText Content(like String), in which case there might still be a 
> way for a hacker to get the password out? 

At first glance this seems like an interesting question - the whole idea of 
abstraction is that you aren't supposed to care about implementation 
details, but here you do have appear to have a good reason for caring.

However, if you take a step back, it would seem that someone in a position 
to exploit a detail like this is someone who has breached the primary 
android security mechanism - the separation of distinct applications into 
distinct unprivileged users, tricked your program into running pieces of 
their code, or else has tricked someone into installing a modified version 
of your program.  If either of those situations has occurred, there are so 
many means of obtaining confidential data that it may not be worth worrying 
about them individually.

So for the question to be useful, I think you would either need to postulate 
a situation where the answer matters on a device where the security model is 
intact, or suggest a reason why attacking the internal implementation of 
EditText on a compromised system would be easier than attacking the 
interface between your code and EditText, or between EditText and the rest 
of the android system.

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