Paul M wrote:
> On 04/03/2008, Yan Seiner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>  What's a good bitrate/resolution/container/etc for mplayer on a Zaurus?
> there's been a lot of discussion on oesf forums about it at various times.
> basically, scale and rotate the video so that the zaurus has to do the
> least amount of work possible, so keep the H rez 640 or the Vertical
> res = 480 so there's no scaling at all (i.e 640x480 for normal 4:3
> movie, or 640x400 for 16:9), or 320x240 as quarter rez.
> sound should be 48KHz sampling rate, or 24, stereo or mono. compressed
> bitrate can be as little as 96kbps for mono to give adequate fair
> quality for speech, 128kbps for joint stereo. IME the zaurus seems to
> struggle when it has to resample the sound stream for a different
> sampling rate.
> feel free to have a play with a script I hacked up here which will
> encode files or rip a DVD:

Hi Paul:

I used your script to create a sample movie.  It won't play on my zaurus 
at all... :-(

mplayer dies with vo_pxa: could not open /dev/fb2: 13

I've checked and /proc/fb has rw perms...

This thread seems inconclusive....[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg00261.html

Do I need to rebuild my kernel to include the various pxa_fb* modules?  
Or redo the avi to 320x240? Or rotate it?

Anyway, on a positive note, sound works.  :-)


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