Junqian Gordon Xu wrote:
> I see xmms recipe has
> RRECOMMENDS_${PN} = "xmms-plugin-output-oss xmms-plugin-output-alsa \
>                      xmms-mad xmms-tremor"
> It should pull those RRECOMMENDS from the feed as seen available when 
> you `ipkg install xmms`. Or did it not?
No it did not.

Of course ATM I am running a bastardized combination of 2008.1/.dev, my 
own rc9 feed, and the 'official' rc7 feed, so who knows what's up.

But xmms-mad xmms-tremor don't seem to be available from the normal 
2007.12 feed; I ended up installing them from the 2008.1 feed, and they 
ended up pulling in some stuff from my own 2007.12 rc9 feed.

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