The Apache Stratos community is pleased to announce the release of Apache
Stratos 4.0.0. This is the first release of Stratos after becoming a top
level project.

Apache Stratos is a highly extensible Platform as a Service (PaaS)
framework that helps to run Apache Tomcat, PHP, MySQL, Node.js and Ruby
applications and can be extended to support many more environments on all
major cloud infrastructures, it provides:

* Multi-tenancy
* Multi-factored auto scaling
* Scalable dynamic load balancing
* IaaS resource management
* Logging, metering and monitoring
* Cloud bursting
* An open extensible architecture
* True flexibility for custom services

*Please download the release from:*

*Release notes can be found at:*

*Maven artifacts have been released with group id "org.apache.stratos" to:*

*Documentation can be found at:*

*Website can be found at:*

We would like to thank the many contributors who made this release possible.

The Apache Stratos Team

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