The Apache Directory team is pleased to announce the release of
ApacheDS 2.0.0-M20, the 20th milestone towards a 2.0 version.

ApacheDS is an extensible and embeddable directory server entirely
written in Java, which has been certified LDAPv3 compatible by the
Open Group. Besides LDAP it supports Kerberos 5 and the Change
Password Protocol. It has been designed to introduce triggers, stored
procedures, queues and views to the world of LDAP which has lacked
these rich constructs.

This release is a bug fix release. We fixed some random failures on
startup, and some fixes in the start scripts, beside many other smaller

Here is the release note for Apache Directory ApacheDS 2.0.0-M20:

  * [DIRSERVER-2025] - ApacheDS fails to return sortedResults when
searched against a certain number of entries
  * [DIRSERVER-2026] - Version M19 does not allow eszet (ß) in any
tested field of inetOrgPerson
  * [DIRSERVER-2034] - ReplayCache entries can't be written to disk
  * [DIRSERVER-2035] - Sporadic test failure due to fix for DIRSERVER-2034
  * [DIRSERVER-2047] - Some data can be lost when using ldapadd
command to insert data into apacheds
  * [DIRSERVER-2048] - Searching for entries with numerous MV
attributes can be long
  * [DIRSERVER-2055] - Apacheds M19 not starting
  * [DIRSERVER-2057] - Server returns search continuation only if
'ref' or '+' attributes are requested
  * [DIRSERVER-2060] - Bind not working after server startup
  * [DIRSERVER-2065] - in tar.gz archive is not executable

  * [DIRSERVER-1809] - Allow password policy changes to take effect
without server restart.
  * [DIRSERVER-2030] - Remove the casting in generateResponse() method
of SearchRequestHandler
  * [DIRSERVER-2031] - Use a properly random port when creating a
KDCServer via annotation
  * [DIRSERVER-2033] - Upgrade BouncyCastle dependency
  * [DIRSERVER-2036] - Upgrade EhCache dependency
  * [DIRSERVER-2050] - Move configuration from single LDIF to multiple
LDIF structure
  * [DIRSERVER-2061] - Logging config bundled with installers is too strict

  * [DIRSERVER-2024] - Add some configuration for the list of
supported TLS protocol
  * [DIRSERVER-2039] - Replace non-OSGi dependencies
  * [DIRSERVER-2041] - Add OSGi tests
  * [DIRSERVER-2064] - Uninstall
    of deb package incomplete

  * [DIRSERVER-2037] - ClientInitialRefreshIT test failures

Note that this is a milestone, and some parts of the API or
configuration can change before the 2.0 GA. We don't have any defined
time frame for the 2.0-G1 release, we do expect to release a few more
milestones before reaching the 2.0-GA.

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The Apache Directory Team

Emmanuel Lécharny

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