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Advanced distributed stream processing framework performs 50x faster than other 
real-time computation systems 

Forest Hill, MD —8 March 2016— The Apache Software Foundation (ASF), the 
all-volunteer developers, stewards, and incubators of more than 350 Open Source 
projects and initiatives, announced today the availability of Apache® Flink™ 
v1.0, the advanced Open Source distributed real-time stream processing system. 

Apache Flink is an easy to use, yet sophisticated Open Source stream processor, 
with recent test results clocking in at least 50x faster than other distributed 
real-time computation systems. 

"Releasing Flink 1.0 is the most important milestone in the project since 
graduation to a top-level Apache project one year ago," said Stephan Ewen, Vice 
President of Apache Flink and co-founder/CTO of data Artisans. "This is a 
collective achievement of more than 150 individuals that have contributed code 
to date." 

Under The Hood 
Flink uniquely supports a combination of features that include flexible 
windowing on event time, out-of-order stream handling, high availability, and 
exactly-once guarantees, together with high event throughput and low processing 

V.1.0 furthers Apache Flink's maturity, making it significantly easier to 
program, deploy, and maintain Flink pipelines at scale by: 
 - initiating backwards compatibility of public APIs against all 1.x.y 
 - introducing functionality for complex event processing (CEP); 
 - supporting large state beyond memory limits; 
 - supporting state versioning and savepoints; and 
 - improving the system's monitoring functionality 

"Flink v1.0 is indeed a testament to the maturity of the platform, which now 
enjoys production use at Fortune Global 500, as well as leading tech 
companies," said Kostas Tzoumas, member of the Apache Flink Project Management 
Committee, and co-founder/CEO of data Artisans. 

"Google congratulates the Apache Flink community for this achievement," said 
William Vambenepe, Lead Product Manager for Big Data on Google Cloud Platform. 
"Flink is unlocking the richness of stream processing at scale, and delivering 
on the promise of the Dataflow Programming Model for all users, anywhere. We 
look forward to continuing to work with the Flink community, including further 
unification of APIs as part of Apache Beam (incubating)." 

"At King.com we are using Flink to process more than 30 billion events daily, 
leveraging Flink's stateful streaming abstractions," said Christofer 
Waldenström, Team Lead for Streaming Platform at King.com. "We find that Flink 
provides a convenient way to interact with real-time data for complex streaming 
use-cases involving large state beyond memory." 

"Apache Flink proved to be a valuable framework in our day-to-day business. It 
helps us to process log events, aggregate tracking information, apply filters 
and decide upon message routing," said Christian Kreutzfeldt, Senior Solution 
Developer & Architect at Otto Group BI. "We are still excited to see how fast 
new applications can be implemented and deployed. Even complex requirements do 
not constitute a significant challenge. For the upcoming version 1.0 we are 
looking forward to see a stabilized API and the advanced monitoring features. 
Especially the back pressure monitoring could become a great tool to understand 
internal processing behavior much better. Furthermore from an enterprise user 
perspective we are happy to see that Apache Flink finally reached version 1.0 
which typically opens the door to the broader enterprise market." 

Flink originated at the Stratosphere research project that started in 2009 by 
the Technical University of Berlin, along with several other European 
universities. The project was submitted to the Apache Incubator in April 2014 
and became an Apache Top-Level Project in December 2014. 

Today, Flink among the ASF's dynamic Big Data projects, with more than 150 
contributors to date, a wealth of production deployments, and commercial 
support by data Artisans, a company founded by the core team that originally 
developed Flink. 

"The two things that have always struck me about Flink has been the excellence 
of the code and the excellence of the team," said Ted Dunning, Vice President 
of the Apache Incubator and Chief Application Architect at MapR. "This pattern 
is continuing with this release." 

Get Involved! 
Apache Flink welcomes contribution and community participation through mailing 
lists as well as attending face-to-face MeetUps, developer trainings, and the 
following events: 
 - QCon (London, 7-9 March 2016) 
 - Strata/Hadoop World (San Jose, 28-31 March 2016) 
 - Hadoop Summit (Dublin, 13-14 April 2016) 
 - Kafka Summit (San Francisco, 26 April 2016) 
 - Apache: Big Data (Vancouver, 9-12 May 2016) 
 - OSCON (Austin, TX, 18-19 May 2016) 
 - Strata/Hadoop World (London, 31 May - 3 June 2016) 
 - Berlin Buzzwords (Berlin, 5-7 June 2016) 
 - Flink Forward (Berlin, 12-14 September 2016) 

Availability and Oversight 
Apache Flink software is released under the Apache License v2.0 and is overseen 
by a self-selected team of active contributors to the project. A Project 
Management Committee (PMC) guides the Project's day-to-day operations, 
including community development and product releases. For downloads, 
documentation, and ways to become involved with Apache Flink, visit 
http://flink.apache.org/ and https://twitter.com/ApacheFlink 

About The Apache Software Foundation (ASF) 
Established in 1999, the all-volunteer Foundation oversees more than 350 
leading Open Source projects, including Apache HTTP Server --the world's most 
popular Web server software. Through the ASF's meritocratic process known as 
"The Apache Way," more than 550 individual Members and 5,300 Committers 
successfully collaborate to develop freely available enterprise-grade software, 
benefiting millions of users worldwide: thousands of software solutions are 
distributed under the Apache License; and the community actively participates 
in ASF mailing lists, mentoring initiatives, and ApacheCon, the Foundation's 
official user conference, trainings, and expo. The ASF is a US 501(c)(3) 
charitable organization, funded by individual donations and corporate sponsors 
including Alibaba Cloud Computing, ARM, Bloomberg, Budget Direct, Cerner, 
Cloudera, Comcast, Confluent, Facebook, Google, Hortonworks, HP, Huawei, IBM, 
InMotion Hosting, iSigma, LeaseWeb, Microsoft, PhoenixNAP, Pivotal, Private 
Internet Access, Produban, Red Hat, Serenata Flowers, WANdisco, and Yahoo. For 
more information, visit http://www.apache.org/ or follow @TheASF on Twitter. 

© The Apache Software Foundation. "Apache", "Apache Beam (incubating)", "Beam 
(incubating)", "Apache Cassandra", "Cassandra", "Apache Flink", "Flink", 
"Apache Hadoop", "Hadoop", "Apache HBase", "HBase", "Apache Kafka", "Kafka", 
"Apache MapReduce", "MapReduce", "Apache Storm", "Storm", "Apache YARN", 
"YARN", "ApacheCon", and their logos are registered trademarks or trademarks of 
The Apache Software Foundation in the U.S. and/or other countries. All other 
brands and trademarks are the property of their respective owners. 

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