[ this announcement is available online at https://s.apache.org/jU7Q ]

Mature, easy-to-deploy Open Source Cloud computing software meets the demands 
of the world's largest Cloud providers 

Forest Hill, MD —22 August 2016— The Apache CloudStack project announced today 
the immediate availability of Apache CloudStack v4.9, the latest version of the 
turnkey Open Source Cloud computing software platform used for creating 
private, public, and hybrid Cloud environments. 

Apache CloudStack Clouds enable billions of dollars worth of business 
transactions annually across their Clouds. Its maturity, stability and ease of 
deployment has led it to become the Open Source platform of choice for many 
service providers offering on-demand, elastic public Cloud computing services. 
CloudStack is also leveraged by many enterprises to provide private or hybrid 
Clouds for use by their employees. 

CloudStack includes an intuitive user interface and rich APIs for managing the 
compute, networking, software, and storage infrastructure resources. It 
supports a broad range of integration points for both traditional and 
Cloud-native workloads. 

"We're delighted to be releasing Apache CloudStack 4.9,"
 said Will Stevens, Vice President of Apache CloudStack. "This version brings 
many new and exciting features, with the continued emphasis on making Apache 
CloudStack the easiest Cloud platform to deploy and most reliable platform for 
running IaaS environments. This release is the culmination of many months of 
hard work by our diverse developer community." 

CloudStack 4.9 reflects dozens of new features and improvements, including: 

 - Out-of-band power management of hosts through IPMI, iLO, DRAC 
 - Enhancements to CloudStack networking model including deeper integration 
with Nuage VSP SDN 
 - User defined security roles 
 - More than 180 minor enhancements and issues fixed 

A complete overview of all new enhancements can be found in the project release 
notes at 

Apache CloudStack has been used by thousands of organizations worldwide and is 
in use/production at Alcatel-Lucent, Autodesk, BT Cloud, China Telecom, 
cloud.ca, Cloudops, Codero Hosting, DataPipe, Exoscale, Globo.com, GreenQloud, 
Hokkaido University, IDC Frontier, Ikoula, Interoute, KDDI, KT/Korea Telecom, 
LeaseWeb, NTT, Orange, PCextreme, Schuberg Philis, Shopzilla, Slovak Telekom, 
Tata, Telia Latvia, Trader Media Group, TomTom, University of Melbourne, 
University of São Paolo, Verizon, and WebMD among many others. A list of known 
users of the software can be found at http://cloudstack.apache.org/users.html 

"At Codero, we have been running our Public Cloud flawlessly on CloudStack 
since 2012 having selected it to power our Public and Hybrid Cloud due to its 
amazing stability, ease of use, and versatility," said Emil Sayegh, CEO and 
Chairman of Codero Hosting. "We are excited for the release of the next version 
of Apache CloudStack with its new features and capabilities that cement it as 
the Open Source platform of choice for leading hosting providers." 

"Apache CloudStack has enabled us at Exoscale to build a public Cloud 
infrastructure offering that targets Cloud native teams directly," said 
Marc-Aurèle Brothier, Senior Developer at Exoscale. "CloudStack's flexibility 
lets us choose standard components for most workloads and then swap in our own 
code where our product and customers' needs demand it. We're excited to have 
contributed to CloudStack and also for the future of our CloudStack-based 

"Apache CloudStack has been at the very foundation of Telia CLOUDY SERVICES 
already for more than 3 years," said Mārtiņš Paurs, CCO of CLOUDY SERVICES by 
Telia Latvia. "After starting with regular IaaS services, during time it has 
taken over orchestration of Cloud based video surveillance, CDN and video 
lifecycle management workloads, all for the benefit of our customers. And 
CloudStack does it really well! The ease of use, stability, professional and 
community support, powerful features  and scale we can achieve by using 
CloudStack has turned upside down the way and pace we innovate together with 
the very demanding market." 

"cloud.ca is an avid supporter of Apache CloudStack not only because we value 
the stability and robustness of the platform, but because we highly value the 
power of the CloudStack community to drive innovation," said Mike Gero, Vice 
President of Product & Business Development at cloud.ca. "We look forward to 
benefiting from the myriad of improvements and fixes in CloudStack 4.9, as well 
as beginning to work with new features like the enhanced networking model." 

CloudStack 4.9 is available immediately as a free download from 
http://cloudstack.apache.org/downloads.html. Apache CloudStack software is 
released under the Apache License v2.0.

Governance and Oversight 
Apache CloudStack is overseen by a self-selected team of active contributors to 
the project. A Project Management Committee (PMC) guides the Project's 
day-to-day operations, including community development and product releases. 

Get Involved! 
Apache CloudStack welcomes contribution and community participation through 
mailing lists as well as attending face-to-face MeetUps, developer trainings, 
and user events. Anybody wishing to get involved in the project can find out 
more at http://cloudstack.apache.org/contribute.html 

About Apache CloudStack 
Apache CloudStack is a mature, turnkey integrated Infrastructure-as-a-Service 
(IaaS) Open Source software platform that allows users to build feature-rich 
public and private Cloud environments. Hailed by Gartner Group as "a solid 
product", CloudStack includes an intuitive user interface and rich APIs for 
managing the compute, networking, software, and storage infrastructure 
resources. CloudStack entered the Apache Incubator in April 2012 and became an 
Apache Top-level Project in March 2013. For downloads, documentation, and ways 
to become involved with Apache CloudStack, visit http://cloudstack.apache.org/ 
and https://twitter.com/CloudStack 

© The Apache Software Foundation. "Apache", "CloudStack", and "Apache 
CloudStack" are registered trademarks or trademarks of the Apache Software 
Foundation in the United States and/or other countries. All other brands and 
trademarks are the property of their respective owners. 

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