The Apache Calcite team is pleased to announce the release of Apache
Calcite Avatica 1.9.0.

Avatica is a framework for building database drivers. Avatica defines
a wire API and serialization mechanism for clients to communicate with
a server as a proxy to a database. The reference Avatica client and
server are implemented in Java and communicate over HTTP. Avatica is a
sub-project of Apache Calcite.

The 1.9.0 release includes various improvements to make it more robust
and secure, while maintaining API and protocol compatibility with
previous versions. We now include non-shaded and shaded artifacts, to
make it easier to embed Avatica in your application. There is improved
support for the JDBC API, including better type conversions and
support for canceling statements. The transport is upgraded to use
protobuf-3.1.0 (previously 3.0 beta).

If you'd like to download the source release, you can find it here:

You can read more about the release here:

We welcome your help and feedback. For more information on how to
report problems and get involved, visit the project website at:

or the Apache Calcite project website:

Thanks to everyone involved!

Julian Hyde, on behalf of the Apache Calcite team.

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