The Apache UIMA team is pleased to announce the release of the Apache UIMA Java
SDK, version 3.0.0-alpha02.  This is the second alpha release, and is intended 
to enable a wider set of users to test this version and give feedback.  

Apache UIMA <> is a component architecture and framework
for the analysis of unstructured content like text, video and audio data.

This release is a major rewrite of the internals of core UIMA, and 
includes many new features, including:
 -- support for arbitrary Java objects in the CAS
 -- New semi-built-in UIMA types: FSArrayList, FSHashSet, IntegerArrayList
 -- New "select" framework integrated with Java 8 Streams
 -- Elimination of concurrent modification exception 
      while iterating over UIMA indexes
 -- Automatic Garbage Collection of unreferenced Feature Structures

The major change from the first alpha release is the updating of the logging
framework.  The same UIMA logger is there, but it now goes to various backends
via the popular SLF4J logging facade. 

See the UIMA News <> item ( Mar 2017 ) for more details.

A full description of the new and changed parts is here:

This release requires Java 8, and is intended to be backwards compatible with
existing Version 2 pipeline code, except for the need to regenerate or migrate
(tooling provided) user-defined JCas class definitions.

Please send feedback via the Apache UIMA project mailing lists.

 -Marshall Schor, for the Apache UIMA development team

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