The Apache HttpComponents project is pleased to announce 5.0-alpha2
release of HttpComponents Client. 

This is a major release that introduces support for HTTP/2 protocol and
event driven messaging APIs consistent for all supported HTTP protocol

HttpClient ships with two client implementations:

* Classic: it is based on the classic (blocking) I/O model; largely
compatible with the 4.x APIs; supports HTTP/1.1 only.

* Async: based on NIO model; new event driven APIs consistent for all
supported HTTP protocol versions; supports both HTTP/1.1 and HTTP/2.

Notable changes and features included in the 5.0 series are:

* Partial support for HTTP/2 protocol and conformance to requirements
and recommendations of the latest HTTP/2 protocol specification (RFC
7540, RFC 7541)

  Supported features:

    ** HPACK header compression
    ** stream multiplexing (client and server)
    ** flow control
    ** response push
    ** message trailers
    ** expect-continue handshake
    ** connection validation (ping)
    ** application-layer protocol negotiation (ALPN) on Java 1.9+
    ** TLS 1.2 security features

* Improved conformance to requirements and recommendations of the
latest HTTP/1.1 protocol specification (RFC 7230, RFC 7231)

* Redesigned connection pool implementation with reduced pool lock

* Package name space changed to 'org.apache.hc.client5'

* Maven group id changed to 'org.apache.httpcomponents.client5'

* Apache Log4j2 logging APIs used for internal logging instead of
Commons Logging APIs

If you disagree with our choice of the logging APIs please do let us
know by posting a message to  

Fetures presently that are presently NOT supported:

* HTTP/2 transport (classic)

* HTTP tunneling (async)

* Automatic response content decompression (async)

* Caching (async)

HttpClient 5.0 releases can be co-located with earlier versions.

Please note that as of 5.0 HttpClient requires Java 1.7 or newer.

We have been considering upgrading minimal JRE level to 1.8 for all
HttpClient 5.x artifacts. If you would like HttpClient to remain 1.7
compatible please do let us know by posting a message to dev@hc.apache.

Please note that at this point 5.0 APIs are considered API experimental
and unstable and are expected to change in the coming releases without
providing a migration path.

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