Apache Jena is a free and open source Java framework for building semantic web and Linked Data applications. The framework is composed of different APIs interacting together to process RDF data. Jena's APIs support query, persistence (including full-text and spatial indexing), inferencing, and more!

We are pleased to announce the release of Apache Jena 3.3.0.

The major feature of this release is in jena-text.

* jena-text: Upgrade to Lucene v6.4.1
    Important: Data will need to be reloaded into text indexes.

* jena-text: Support for Elasticsearch: v5.2.2 contributed by Anuj Kumar
    New module:

* jena-text: Drop support for solr4j / Apache Solr
     Please comment on JENA-1301 if this affects you.
     There has been very little users@ traffic about the Solr
     integration over the years.

* Add VCARD4 (JENA-1205)
    Contribution from Bart Hanssens

* RDFParser (JENA-1306)
   New low level, detailed setup of parsers for special cases.
   RDFDataMgr is still the main way to read data (it now uses RDFParser).

* General maintenance
     37 JIRA tickets
     See https://s.apache.org/jena-3.3.0-jira

== Obtaining Apache Jena 3.3.0

* Via central.maven.org

The main jars and their dependencies can used with:


Full details of all maven artifacts are described at:


* As binary downloads

Apache Jena libraries are available as a binary distribution of
libraries. For details of a global mirror copy of Jena binaries please see:


* Source code for the release

The signed source code of this release is available at:


and the signed master source for all Apache Jena releases is available
at: http://archive.apache.org/dist/jena/

== Contributing

If you would like to help out, a good place to look is the list of
unresolved JIRA at:


or review pull requests at


or drop into the dev@ list.

We use github pull requests and other ways for accepting code:

     The Apache Jena development community

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