Hello all,

The Apache Juneau team is proud to announce the release of Juneau 7.2.0.

Apache Juneau is...

   - A toolkit for marshalling POJOs to a variety of content types using a
   common framework.
   - A REST server API for creating Swagger-based self-documenting REST
   interfaces using POJOs.
   - A REST client API for interacting with REST interfaces using POJOs.
   - A remote proxy API built on top of REST.
   - A sophisticated INI config file API.
   - A REST microservice API that combines all the features above for
   creating lightweight standalone REST interfaces that start up in

The list of new features can be found here:

The release is available here (don't forget to verify the signatures):

We welcome your help and feedback. For more information on the project and
how to get involved, visit the project website at:

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