[this announcement is available online at https://s.apache.org/cnSe ]

by Isabel Drost-Fromm

As a researcher interested in machine learning, Web- and social graphs I joined 
the Nutch mailing lists back in 2005 when the project was still on SourceForge. 
I started tinkering with Nutch Writeables to store the data I needed for my 
analysis – something that today some may know as Hadoop Writeables – the Nutch 
wiki still has a link to the material that I could get published out of those 
experiments: https://wiki.apache.org/nutch/AcademicArticles

After leaving academia I remained on the Nutch and Lucene mailing lists - until 
one day I saw the idea of an "Apache Text" project mentioned: 
 ... I got in touch with Grant Ingersoll, over the course of half a year that 
vague idea was turned into a plan to have a scalable machine learning project 
at Apache: Scalable in terms of community, dataset size but also commercially 
friendly when it comes to licensing – Apache Mahout was created.

Some ideas turn into something with a life on its own. The story I'm going to 
tell has little to do with great technical or economic achievements that were 
made with software developed at The Apache Software Foundation. However it has 
a lot to do with the kind of cross community links that exist between projects 
at Apache. It also has a lot to do with the fact that there are people active 
in Apache projects for whom the project is more than merely a day job.

But let's start at the beginning: Little over a year ago, in April or May 2017 
Stefan Rudnitzki, one of my then-new colleagues at Europace AG was showing me 
around the office – mentioning in particular that there's space for meetups of 
100 up to 200 people. It was the year when it was unclear whether or not there 
would be an ApacheCon EU. The combination of those two pieces of information 
put  an interesting idea in our heads: Why not pull ASF interested people to 
Berlin and have them discuss cross-community, behind-the-scenes, OSS economics, 
decentralized project management, coordination of work without discretionary 
power topics?

In a first step we ran a rough version of the idea past a handful of friends at 
Apache – and received encouragement. The idea got bigger, new aspects were 
added and we thought "Let's get more specific!".

In a working backwards model the next thing that was written was a press 
release (in big, bold, red letters marked as "draft, imaginary, DO NOT 
PUBLISH!!!!!!!") describing a conference on all things open source behind the 
scenes. The format helped identify important open question marks – like: 

 - "We don't have a name for the event yet!"
 - "We need to decide on a date."
 - "We need to come up with a clearer list of topics to cover."
 - "What's our target audience?"
 - "If this is a full day event – what will we do about catering?"

What helped me personally was having learnt from Sally in her ASF media 
training what a real press release actually should look like. 

As for the name that was found missing in the initial press release draft:  
After weeks of trying several approaches to come up with a catchy name, I went 
to pick up my child from kindergarten. What caught my eye was a poster 
announcing a beneficial concert to collect donations for better equipment and 
toys – an *a capella* concert: .oO(FOSS A Capella?) .oO(FOSS Backstage?)

The press release formatted version of the vision was first run by Europace – 
though people here are fairly regularly running after hours meetups, hosting an 
entire full-day conference is a slightly different scale. After the idea had 
been met with approval here, it was run by the Apache Community Development 
mailing list – which we used to keep current planning status transparent and 

With the idea out in the open it grew beyond something that can easily be run 
as a small side project. Years ago to create Berlin Buzzwords I had been 
working together with an event agency called newthinking communications GmbH. 
They were founded in 2003 by Andreas Gebhard and Markus Beckedahl in the spirit 
to create a network on the interface between digital technologies and society. 
Today, the focus lies in the organisation of events such as Berlin Buzzwords 
and FOSS Backstage as well as content management services (based on Drupal) for 
NGOs and political parties as well the conferences named above. So I got in 
touch with newthinking – and was delighted to receive "Sure, we are going to 
help out" as an answer. 

So, what about the cookies? One of the first offers I received after publishing 
that we were to run a FOSS Backstage full day Micro Summit in November 2017 
was: "If you need support with providing cookies for the coffee break – I'm 
happy  to bake some, if there's no more than 40 attendees." Half jokingly I 
responded that I would add another 40 cookies, lest someone sends me a 3D model 
of an ASF feather cookie cutter. Lo and behold – the next thing I know is that 
someone sends me a model file for an ASF cookie cutter (which by now even made 
it to the then VP trademarks – who was interested in putting it to good use 
himself). Just a few weeks later I attended Open Source Summit in Prague. Guess 
what happened? Someone who knew I'd be there brought some printed cookie 
cutters with him from Australia.

In the meantime we had a one day / two tracks FOSS Backstage Micro Summit in 
November 2017 kindly hosted by Europace AG. I was able to talk several people 
into baking ASF cookies (including sugar coatings in the appropriate colours). 
In addition with the support of both, Newthinking communications GmbH, the ASF 
planners, and the ASF community development PMC an Apache Roadshow was 
co-located with the actual FOSS Backstage in June this year – a two day, 
multiple tracks event featuring Danese Cooper and Shane Coughlan for keynotes, 
a host of speakers with all sorts of relevant and inspiring stories to share, 
as well as fishbowl discussions on topics like Open Source monetization. One of 
the loveliest feedback we received: "This doesn't feel like an inaugural 
conference, given the professional organisation. You surely did manage to 
successfully invite people from a great variety of FOSS projects and 

Having a press release draft ready was helpful when starting to drum up 
interest for the real event: With all details filled in, the "Draft/ Do not 
share"-warning removed it ended up getting sent to the press and published for 

We started with a scope of all things FOSS economics, decentralised 
organisation, cross-cultural team-building, volunteer motivation, licensing and 
legal. In 2019 we want to align these aspects towards InnerSource, work 
collaboration principles and modern work models so that teams, companies and 
organisations can learn from the experiences we all make while working on Open 
Source projects. We are glad to have the event backed by newthinking GmbH next 
year again.

[see photos of the 3D cutters, cookies, and earrings based on the ASF feather 
logo at https://s.apache.org/cnSe ]

Isabel Drost-Fromm is (currently board-) member of the Apache Software 
Foundation, co-founder of Apache Mahout and mentored several incubating 
projects. Interested in all things search and text mining with a thorough 
background in open source project management and open collaboration she is 
working Europace AG as Open Source Strategist. True to the nature of people 
living in Berlin she loves having friends fly in for a brief visit –- as a 
result she co-founded and is still one the creative heads behind both, Berlin 
Buzzwords, a tech conference on all things search, scale and storage as well as 
FOSS Backstage, a conference on all things Free and Open Source behind the 
scenes and how it interrelates with business and InnerSource.

= = =

"Success at Apache" is a monthly blog series that focuses on the processes 
behind why the ASF "just works" 

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