The Apache MINA project is pleased to announce MINA 2.1.3 !

Apache MINA ( is a network application
framework which helps users develop high performance and high
scalability network applications easily by providing an abstract,
event-driven, asynchronous API over various transports such as TCP/IP
and UDP/IP vis Java NIO.

The Apache MINA project website includes resources such as
introductory presentation slides, tutorials, and examples to help you
learn MINA as soon as possible.

This is a bug fix release for MINA 2.1.2. It mainly fixes a 100% CPU
usage in some corner case,
plus a few other issues.

Here are the fixed issues :

DIRMINA-1095 Seems like the management f UDP sessions is really unneficient
DIRMINA-1107 SslHandler flushScheduledEvents race condition, redux
DIRMINA-1111 100% CPU (epoll bug) on 2.1.x, Linux only
DIRMINA-1104 IoBufferHexDumper.getHexdump(IoBuffer in, int
lengthLimit) does not truncate the output

Information relative to the API changes, and migration, are available
on the following page:

Downloads are available at

The Apache MINA PMC

Thanks !

Emmanuel Lécharny

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