The Apache Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the 
Apache Maven Shared Component: Maven Shared Utils Version 0.7

This project aims to be a functional replacement for plexus-utils in Maven. It
is not a 100% API compatible replacement though but a replacement with
improvements: lots of methods got cleaned up, generics got added and we dropped
a lot of unused code.

You should specify the version in your project's plugin configuration:


Release Notes - Apache Maven Shared Utils - Version 0.7


 * [MSHARED-242] - [shared-utils] improve shared utils featuers and introduce 
generics where possible
 * [MSHARED-313] - port dotted expression parser fixes from plexus-utils
 * [MSHARED-369] - ReflectionValueExtractor regression; incorrect parsing


 * [MSHARED-364] - Use NIO Delete when possibly in deleteFiles

New Features:

 * [MSHARED-330] - add StringUtils.endsWithIgnoreCase()


 * [MSHARED-257] - extract merge feature from Xpp3Dom


-The Apache Maven team

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